Make a CV
How to use GabrielCV to create a new CV
GabrielCV is a tool to automatically tailor your CV to the job you're applying for.
It needs only 2 inputs:
Your resume
The job description you will like to apply for
GabrielCV works better with very verbose and long resumes, where you listed all your skills, experiences and projects.
It then picks up the most relevant information from your resume and uses it to create a tailored CV that will get you an interview.
A long resumes with a lot of details and text is the best input for GabrielCV.
The job description should be a short and concise description of the job you're applying for.
GabrielCV does not need all the job perks nor the benefits, nor the salary range. You can include those informations but they are not relevant nor needed.
You should definitely include the job requirements, the job description and the job responsibilities.
GabrielCV will use those to match experiences and skills that you already have in your current resume to create the perfect CV for you to land the interview.
The editor
While we use the most advanced AI technology to create your CV, we also provide you with a simple editor to edit your CV.
AI technology is not perfect and sometimes it can get confused, or it can includes informations that are not factual in your CV.
It is up to you to recognize which skills and informaions should not be included in your CV, and remove them.
Similarly, you can definitely expand your CV with more details and experiences that you have but GabrielCV did not pick up.
Using the Editor
After you have created your first CV, a simple button "Edit" will appear just below the CV.
The button will take you to the editor.
It is a very simple editor usable by anyone, just text and nothing fancy.
After you are happy with your edits, simply click "Submit Resume" and a new version of your CV will be created, for free, with your updates.
Last updated